
(You can contact the Board of Trustees with the red button at the bottom of the page. Please add their name to the subject line.)

Bob Alimpich
Bob is the Lexington Heights Board of Trustees President.
He was elected in 2021.

John Medovarsky

John is the Lexington Heights Board of Trustees Vice-President.
Diana Larsson
Diana was elected to the Lexington Heights Board of Trustees in 2018.
Lynn Secord
Lynn was elected to the Lexington Heights Board of Trustees in 2017 and is Secretary and Webmaster.
Liz Alimpich
Liz was elected to the Lexington Heights Board of Trustees in 2018. She is the Treasurer.

Don McColman
Don was elected to the Lexington Heights Board of Trustees in 2020.

Debbie Bonneau
Debbie was elected to the Lexington Heights Board of Trustees in 2023. 
Dottie Schulte
Dottie was elected to the Lexington Heights Board of Trustees in 2021.
Jan Hall
Jan was elected to the Lexington Heights Board of Trustees in 2023.

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