Lexington Heights, Inc.

Board of Trustees Special Meeting

December 2, 2023

I. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by association President, Bob Alimpich, at 10:08 am. This special meeting is to review the garbage contract from 2024 – 2028.

II. Trustees Present

Bob Alimpich, Liz Alimpich, Debbie Bonneau (excused), Diana Larsson (excused), John Medovarsky, Don McColman, Lynn Secord, Dottie Schulte (on phone), Jan Hall (on phone).

III. Garbage Contract

Four companies were contacted regarding our garbage contract. GFL was more expensive and did not offer yard waste pick up. Two companies do not work in our area. Bob stated that our membership wanted to continue having yard waste pick up. Bob and Liz counted garbage at the street and in August it was 180 and in October 158. Please note this count was not done during a holiday weekend. We will be paying for an average of 190 pick-ups instead of 200. The price is based on an average. The cost will be $14.95 per household in 2024. $15.40 (2025) $15.88 (2026) $16.38 (2027) $16.84 (2028) This is part of the dues. There are a number of benefits with Emterra. The contract will be posted on the website. We are extending the contract. John mentioned that part of the contract states that each household gets one trip per month to Emterra’s dump in Sanduskey. There is also a discount on renting a dumpster. Call ahead for the pick up of large items such as mattresses. Renee asked if there was a gas increase and Bob replied that we still pay for a gas surcharge. The surcharge changes each month. (+.25 cents or -.25 cents) The amount per household changed from $11.53 to $14.95.

Don made a motion to accept the Emterra contract. Liz seconded. All in favor. Motion passed. (202355)

Liz made a motion to adjourn. Don seconded. All in favor. Motion passed. (202356)