Lexington Heights, Inc.

Board of Trustees Meeting

September 30, 2023

I. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by association President, Bob Alimpich, at 9:00 am. Bob asked the membership to be cordial in their interactions with the Board or expect to be asked to leave the meeting.

II. Trustees Present

Bob Alimpich, Liz Alimpich, Debbie Bonneau, Diana Larsson (on the phone), John Medovarsky, Don McColman, Lynn Secord, Dottie Schulte, Jan Hall was excused.

III. Reading of the September 9, 2023 minutes

Liz motioned to accept the Minutes as read. Dottie seconded. All in favor. Motion passed. (202349) (202349)

IV. Treasurer’s Report

Liz presented Profit and Loss and Balance sheets. Accounts receivable are down ( $16,340.03). Court collections will begin again soon. There was a discussion of the total liens of $440. This was from the discharge of a lien including legal fees. The Title Company is paying this fee.

V. Member Comments

Glady presented the Board with a notebook containing guidelines for all social events in the Heights. Details for the spaghetti dinner need to be added.

Sandy on Lakeview requested that the financials be presented with a 12-month view as opposed to an 8 month. She thinks a 12-month view is easier to understand. She also volunteered to help with a three-year budget (strategic plan). Sandy would like the Board to hire an expert on bluff maintenance. Sandy is interested in hearing a report from the bluff committee. She would like to see some standards set for bluff maintenance. She also discussed iCloud storage rather than purchasing a new PC. Liz stated that in the past there was an issue with someone using their personal computer for Board business and that’s why the Board prefers to have computers designated for Board use only. There was a discussion about the Board purchasing a gas-powered pole saw to help with bluff maintenance.

Kurt on Grove said it was good to see Board Members at the Township meeting. He discussed his concern over Worth Township soliciting to buy property on the other side of the highway. He stated that there was not a clear answer from Worth Township as to their plans for such property. Kurt thinks Lexington Heights should seek tax-exempt status. Bob stated that if people want to sell or give their property to Worth Township it’s their choice.

Glenn Bowman on Worth wants an email confirming an address change. Liz will resend the email.

VI. Clubhouse

Julie received a second bid on carpet cleaning for the clubhouse from MC Shine. It was for $547.05. Lynn made a Motion to accept the bid from K & M for $333.50. Dottie seconded. All in favor. Motion passed. (202350) Julie will have the carpet cleaned in the first week of November.

VII. Committee Reports

Bluff/Parkway Debbie said they will set a date to walk the bluff. She wants to order dirt to berm at Oak and Pine to protect the bluff. There was a discussion about the type of soil to use for a berm. Diana made a Motion to spend up to $500 for dirt for a berm. Dottie seconded. All in favor. Motion passed. (202351) Don will dispose of the old cable at the boat ramp. Debbie will order the dirt and coordinate the project. Bob will talk with Joe Z. to see if there is any dirt available from his building project on Tulip.

Beaches/Boat Ramp - Don reported that he recently walked the beaches. Vines need to be trimmed at Rosewood. The Oak jetty is exposed at the back. Some of the sand ramps have been washed away. There is a pink paddle boat on the Maple beach. If the owners are looking for the top, the top is on the Zenith beach. There was a discussion about the type of steel used in the original construction of the jetties and how to repair leaning jetties. Kurt said that cold roll was used at the toe of the bank. BZ9 was used at the ends. BZ9 is the stronger type of steel. He suggested that the Board set a budget for the repair and maintenance of the jetties. Dottie, Don, and John will look at the boat ramp and make the necessary repairs. Debbie questioned if changing the angle of the boat ramp would help it function better. John thinks extending the length of the boat ramp would help. John wants to add new boards and add the anti-skid coating. There was a discussion about making the boat ramp all concrete as a permanent solution. Debbie said we could check with the State to find out what we can do. Don said he would call EGLE. Bob said that it would be a costly project.

Clubhouse/Playground – John blew the playground off and opened the drain. He will spray the weeds again. Bob discussed some plans to improve the drainage around the clubhouse. Dottie will work on the downspouts on the clubhouse. She is looking at some downspouts that fold up at the end. There are two end caps that need to be replaced. Bob and Dottie will look at the gutters.

Garbage Contract – Dottie, Don, John, and Bob met on Thursday to discuss the garbage contract. No bids have come in yet. We are waiting on bids from Emterra and Waste Management. Bob said that he discussed with Waste Management that we would want to use our own containers. The Board may need to hold a Special Meeting to approve a new contract.

Sewers – John sent a strong email to the DPW and received an answer back from them. They did go with our suggestion to put the horse mats over the door and this has eliminated the smell. The doors at the pumping station are metal doors without a gasket. There is raw sewage behind the doors. There was a discussion about low water volume causing the problem. John will call and thank them. Debbie suggested that the Sanilac Health Department be contacted if the odor continues.

VIII. New Business

A donation in the amount of $200 will be given to the Art Council of Lexington. Debbie made a Motion to donate $200 to the Arts Council. Diana seconded. All in favor. Motion passed. (202352)

Liz shared that a neighbor on Walbridge and Emerson received an ordinance violation from Worth Township regarding parking a camper/RV in the front yard. The ordinance violation is 300-22-C parking and storage of motor vehicles, boats, and recreational vehicles on residential property. Parking camper/RV or storage in front yard is prohibited. The neighbor wanted the Board to be aware of the ordinance. It was signed Sally Bucholtz, Zoning Administrator/OEO. Email: zoning@worthmi.org

Debbie restated that she would like to see a by-law written regarding “Any property within the Lexington Heights boundary that are purchased by municipalities or LLCS will not obtain any beach rights.” She would like a lawyer to review this issue. Worth Township has not stated what their plans are for any development on the other side of the highway. There are sewers available, but not water on the other side of the highway.

The Surhighs have 4 lots on the other side of the highway. The lots are not continuous. The winter taxes are $164.20 on one lot and $193.27 on the other lot. There is discussion of them donating the lots to the Association. However, then the Association would be liable for the full taxes on those lots. Please note the figures stated are only winter taxes and not the full year amount. If someone wants to sell or give their property to Worth Township, it is their legal right to be able to do that. This issue is tabled until the Annual Meeting in June.

There was a discussion about purchasing a new PC for the treasurer. There is a problem with the motherboard on the current computer. Dottie made a motion to buy a PC with support for $1,000. Debbie seconded. All in favor. Motion passed. (202353)

There was a discussion about purchasing a gas-powered pole saw. This is tabled until the spring.

Bob presented the following proposal to the Board.

A proposal to designate the small section of beach immediately south of the boat ramp as a dog beach that may be utilized as such at any time. This area was chosen as this area is one of the least used beaches in the Heights and has a natural boundary to the South and the boat ramp as a barrier to the North. The balance of Lexington Heights’ beach area is to remain unchanged regarding the times upon which dogs are allowed on the beach. This proposal is to be effective through Labor Day of 2024, at which time the Board shall review the success of the designated dog beach and determine whether to terminate the designation or continue the same.

The following are suggested for the Board’s consideration:

  1. Dogs shall be on a tether or leash no longer than 10’ and shall be walked to the beach using the boat ramp or the foot path to the south of the boat ramp for both ingress and egress to the designated beach.

  2. The dog shall remain tethered while at the beach so long as there are any other persons or other animals at the designated beach. In the event there are no other persons or other animals, the dog may be untethered so long as the dog does not wander beyond the boundaries of the designated beach.

  3. The dog owner or handler shall immediately pick up and properly dispose of any of their pet waste.

  4. Per Michigan law, the dog owner or handler is responsible for any injury caused by their dog, including but not limited to, dog bites.

  5. No aggressive dogs are permitted and if a dog acts aggressive the dog shall be immediately removed from the beach.

There was a lively discussion regarding this proposal. Kurt strongly opposed this proposal. Glady shared that the city of Marysville considered designating a dog beach and their city attorney said it was too big of a liability. Bob said that the Michigan law regarding dog bites places the responsibility on the dog owner not the community. Bob shared a sign from the west side of the state allowing dogs on the beach during certain hours. Our by-laws state: Dogs are allowed on the beaches before 8:30 AM and after 8:00 PM. This issue was tabled.

IX. Adjournment

Dottie motioned to adjourn. Don seconded. All in favor. Motion passed. (202354)