Lexington Heights, Inc.

Board of Trustees Meeting

August 5, 2023

I. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by association President, Bob Alimpich, at 9:02 am.

II. Trustees Present

Bob Alimpich, Liz Alimpich, Renee Jobbit, Diana Larsson, John Medovarsky, Don McColman, Lynn Secord, Glady Stablein, Dottie Schulte

III. Reading of the July 22, 2023 minutes

Glady motioned to accept the Minutes as read. Liz seconded. All in favor. Motion passed. (202339)

IV. Treasurer’s Report

The Zenith steps are paid in full. The Collections Committee collected about $3,000 from their calls regarding unpaid dues. Diana feels that the $10.00 per month late fee is motivating people to pay their dues. Diana will be working on printing out statements with late fees and mailing them. The Collections Committee is Liz, Bob, and Diana.

V. Elections

Glady made a Motion to certify the 2023 Trustee election. The election materials are preserved for one year. Liz seconded. All in favor. Motion passed. (202340)

Glady made a Motion to destroy the 2022 election materials. Dottie seconded. All in favor. Motion passed. (202341)

Swearing in of newly elected Board Members – Bob Alimpich, Debbie Bonneau, Janice Hall, Dottie Schulte, Lynn Secord

I, _________, do promise to uphold the Laws of the State of Michigan regarding Summer Resort Corporations and the By-Laws of Lexington Heights to the best of my ability.

Election of Officers – Bob Alimpich was elected as President. John Medovarsky was elected as VicePresident. Liz Alimpich was elected as Treasurer. Lynn Secord was elected as Secretary. All officers were voted in unanimously. Lynn Secord will remain as Webmaster. This is an appointed position.

VI. Member Comments

Kurt Riese on Grove brought up a concern about the top north edge of the Zenith steps being a safety concern. He believes an additional railing is needed. Liz mentioned planting bushes there. He also asked for a donation for the upcoming Mill Creek Clean Up to help pay for gas, chains etc. Debbie Bonneau said that EGLE is responsible for the creek and that the creek is the property of the State of Michigan.

Renee suggested planting a tree near the bench on Zenith.

VII. Committee Reports

Liz and Bob met with Anne Vaara, 7350 Maple, (arborist) and looked at the tree on Lexington Heights’ property that is near Mr. Adkins’ property. Ann sent an email regarding the leaning tree with exposed roots. (This is posted on our website.) She feels that there isn’t any evidence that the tree will fall now or in the future. She mentioned that the exposed roots are typical of a ravine system as water and soil move with the current. The basswood tree can be trimmed properly by an arborist with knowledge of proper pruning techniques. If an arborist is not available, Ann would be available to help with which branches can be removed without harming the tree. Ann also said that the treatment of invasive species along the bluff would be very costly. The treatment can vary depending on the species. If the invasives die off, then there would be a void on the bluff that could cause sloughing soil and erosion. She would recommend no treatment at this time. Trimming is a great option to manage vegetation as long as there is a plan in place for selectively pruning of both trees and shrubs. Clear cutting is a terrible method. Keeping the stairs clear of vegetation would be done for safety and visibility. She would recommend adding more trees to the top of the bluff using a certified arborist. Debbie agrees with her recommendations. Debbie would like to see a plan for the bluff and work on sections of the bluff at a time. There was a discussion of trimming by the benches. Diana suggested that the bluff committee should present a plan to the Board. The next bluff trimming supervised by the Board is September 9. Debbie said the fall is a perfect time to clean up the vines etc. on the beaches.

Mill Creek Clean Up – A donation of $200 will be given to Maria to buy gas, chains, etc. John made a Motion to donate $200 to Maria for the Mill Creek Clean Up. Jan seconded. Liz/Yes, Diana/Yes, John/Yes, Jan/Yes, Lynn/Yes. Dottie/Yes, Debbie/No, Don/No. Motion passed. (202343)

VIII. Trustee Comments

Don would like to see a budget. He feels we should be setting aside savings every year for emergencies and future projects. He’d like us to earmark money for certain projects. Bob would like to see lists for all the activities. Glady has started these lists for many of the community events.

General Meeting – Debbie, Julie, Jim, and Julie will help with the check in at the meeting. Lynn will buy donuts etc. Debbie will make the coffee. John and Lynn will set up Friday night. The meeting is on Saturday, August 26.

Lynn led the Board in an exercise to set Board priorities for the 2023/2024 year. This is not to exclude other projects, but to provide a focus for the Board. Here are the results:

1. Bluff Maintenance/Preservation (39 points)

2. Update Electrical at Clubhouse (29 points)

3. Upgrade Clubhouse bathrooms to handicapped accessible (17 points)

4. Benches along Lakeview (15 points)

5. Replace/rebuild the chimney at the Clubhouse (10)

6. Upgrade Lighting on Lakeview (9 points)

7. Replace siding on Clubhouse (8)

8. New Website (5)

9. Playground enhancement (3)

The Board also set up Committees.

Bluff/ParkwayLiz, Dottie, Debbie

Beaches/Boat RampLynn, Don, Jan

Clubhouse/Playground John, Bob, Jan

Collections Liz, Bob, Diana (Dottie will help.)

Garbage Contract Bob, John, Debbie, Don

IX. Adjournment – Don made a Motion to adjourn. Diana seconded. All in favor. Motion passed. (202344)

Community Events

Mill Creek Clean Up August 12 10:30 AM

Corn Roast Aug. 19th 1:00 -4:00 PM

General Meeting Aug. 26th 10:00 AM

Euchre Night Aug. 26th 7:00 PM

Chili Fest Oct. 7th 6:00 PM7\

Board Meetings

Aug. 26 10:00 AM (General)

Sept. 9th 9:00 AM

Sept. 23rd 9:00 AM

Volunteers needed to help:

Replace broken posts along Lakeview

Repair the men’s bathroom ceiling

Level the low spot near the flagpole

Power wash Lakeview benches

Email us at Lexingtonheightsinc@gmail.com to volunteer.