Lexington Heights, Inc.

Board of Trustees Meeting

July 22, 2023

I. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by association President, Bob Alimpich, at 9:02 am.

II. Trustees Present

Bob Alimpich, Liz Alimpich, Renee Jobbit, Diana Larsson, John Medovarsky, Don McColman, Lynn Secord, Glady Stablein, Dottie Schulte

III. Reading of the July 8, 2023 minutes

Liz motioned to accept the Minutes as read. Dottie seconded. All in favor. Motion passed. (202335)

IV. Treasurer’s Report

Diana presented a Profit and Loss and Balance sheet. Diana has been working with Quickbooks to correct a problem with uncategorized incomes. The stipend listed for the President, Bob, is incorrect. She will fix that for the next meeting. The Balance Sheet shows there is $84,881.53.53. Mr. Wilson has not submitted a bill and so the balance reflects money that is owed to him. (approximately $15,000) Accounts receivable total $30,797.44. The Collection Committee will be contacting members that owe money. Statements will be printed out and mailed with a 30 day letter. There is a CD at Eastern Michigan bank for $16,178.92 that is up for renewal. Bob wants to put $20,000 in a CD at Huntington Bank for 11 months because they are offering a better rate. (5.2%)

V. Member Comments

Sandy on Lakeview inquired about cutting on the bluff and if the Board is considering spending money to trim on the bluff once the Zenith stairs are completed. Bob said the Board will discuss that at a future meeting. She also inquired about the streetlight proposal that she had sent the Board. It was emailed to all Board members.

Ron on Grove is concerned about a tree that has fallen in the creek. Ron also is requesting permission to cut the grass on the parkway near his home. He wants a letter from the Board stating that he has permission.

VI. Committee Reports

VII. New/Ongoing Business

Bob discussed updating the CD at Huntington Bank. Renee discussed setting $30,000 aside in case of an emergency. It was decided that $20,000 would be moved to Huntington Bank. Dottie made a motion to move $20,000 to a CD. Glady seconded. Motion passed. (202336)

Ted Parker removed the boat ramp due to the water level. The boat ramp needs some repair. The repairs will be made in the fall and the non-skid paint will be applied. Dottie volunteered to help.

Kurt will help with the placement of the Lexington Heights Parkway signs. Bob has the needed U bolts.

Dottie will continue working on replacing the posts along Lakeview.

The election committee is ready. Glady said that anyone campaigning must stay 100 feet from the door. She measured it and 100 feet would be across the street.

Golf cart ID stickers – Lynn contacted Blue Water Association asking if they would be interested in another consortium meeting and about their golf cart policy. She read a letter from their president. He stated that Blue Water is not interested in another consortium meeting at this time. Glady made a motion and Liz seconded – In order to park any utility vehicle on the bluff, residents will be required to purchase a $10.00 identification sticker. There was a discussion about this motion. This is not meant to be punitive. The Board is asking community members to show that they are part of our Lexington Heights community with a Lexington Heights sticker. Stickers will be sold at the Corn Roast and the General Meeting. A roll call vote was called: Renee/Yes, Liz/Yes, Diana/No, Glady/Yes, Dottie/Yes, John/No, Don/Yes, Lynn/Yes Bob’s vote was not needed because there was not a tie. Motion passed. (202337)

The Zenith steps are coming along very nicely.

Bob is investigating yard waste usage. He is hoping we can save some money on our upcoming trash removal contract by having yard waste pick up every other week. He drove around early Monday morning making a tally tracking yard waste. Renee would like the contract to remain the same with weekly yard waste removal. The contract is up January 1, 2024.

The smell at the pumping stations (Zenith and Grove) was discussed. There is a new filter on the Zenith pumping station. John is discussing this with Worth Township. John suggested that Worth Township cut stall mats (thick rubber) and place the strips of stall mats over the seams. John will follow up with the Township on Monday. There was a discussion about homeowners not pouring bacon grease etc. down their drains. The red-light flashing means that the grinder is not working and the level has gotten too high in the pit. Worth Township DPW does come out and they are very responsive.

Ron on Grove wants to continue cutting the grass on the parkway near his home. He is requesting a letter giving him permission. Liz will contact Ann, the arborist, to look at the tree on Ron’s property.

John will spray the playground again with the environmentally friendly weed killer.

Glady read a statement regarding her time on the Board. She has mixed emotions leaving her seat on the Board. She leaves knowing she did her best for this community. She has no ill will towards anyone, and she will be close by to assist and support. Thanks to those who supported her over the years. She feels that we accomplished much together because we embraced a common goal of making life a little better in our beautiful community. She wishes all good things for the new Board.

Renee echoed Glady’s message and thanked everyone for their help.

The Board thanked Glady and Renee for their service.

Lynn passed out zoning complaint forms for Worth Township.

VIII. Adjournment

Diana moved to adjourn. Liz seconded. Motion passed. (202338)

Community Events

Mill Creek Clean Up August 12 10:30 AM

Corn Roast Aug. 19th 1:00 -4:00 PM

General Meeting Aug. 26th 10:00 AM

Euchre Night Aug. 26th 7:00 PM

Chili Fest Oct. 7th 6:00 PM

Board Meetings

Aug. 5th 9:00 AM

Aug. 26 10:00 AM (General)

Sept. 9th 9:00 AM

Sept. 23rd 9:00 AM

Volunteers needed:

Trim hedges at the clubhouse

Help replace broken posts along Lakeview

Help repair the men’s bathroom ceiling

Help level the low spot near the flagpole

Power wash Lakeview benches

Email us at Lexingtonheightsinc@gmail.com to volunteer.