Lexington Heights, Inc.

Board of Trustees Meeting

July 8, 2023

I. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by association President, Bob Alimpich, at 9:08 am.

II. Trustees Present

Bob Alimpich, Liz Alimpich, Renee Jobbit, Diana Larsson, John Medovarsky, Don McColman, Lynn Secord, Glady Stablein, Dottie Schulte

III. Reading of the June 3, 2023 minutes

Glady motioned to accept the Minutes as presented. Diana seconded. All in favor. Motion passed. (202333)

IV. Treasurer’s Report

Diana presented a Profit and Loss and Balance sheet. Accounts receivable are $39.288.75. Late fees will be imposed on accounts not paid by July 1. There was a discussion about a property on Emerson and the delinquent dues that are owed on that property. A lien has already been placed on that property. Bob will visit that homeowner. Diana discussed the fee for QuickBooks going up to $549 for a year. There was a discussion about changing to different software. Diana is planning to step down as Treasurer due to her health issues. Don is learning about the Treasurer’s job. Diana will help and support the next Treasurer. The audit has been posted on the website. We still have not received an invoice from Tom Wilson. Diana is looking for Sarah Fleming. Diana needs to know her property address in order to post that her dues are paid. Everyone thanked Diana for all of her hard work on the database and the books.

V. Member Comments

Kurt R. on Grove discussed the importance of collecting delinquent dues.

Debbie B. on Lakeview talked about how Lexington Heights acquired the property near the clubhouse (parking area). The man gave the property to Lex Heights because he was behind on his dues. Debbie would like to get a list of the short term rentals (VRBO) from Worth Township. Debbie would also like to go to a Worth Township meeting and have it on record that they are not doing their job enforcing ordinances in the community. She would like to see us work with the other associations. Bob thanked Debbie for printing the handouts on water usage for the children’s parade.

VI. Committee Reports

VII. New/On-going Business

Kurt and Bob will work on placing the new signs showing where Lexington Heights property is located.

Liz discussed that absentee ballots are available today, July 8 from 1:00 – 3:00 and again on Friday, July 14 at Diana’s house on Walbridge from 1:00 – 3:00. Mary Beth Covert helped with the printing of the ballots. Proxy ballots are available from Lynn Secord or Diana Larsson. Information has been posted on the website and message boards around the subdivision. They will print up a “How To” sheet for the next election committee.

There was a discussion about the golf cart stickers. The stickers will indicate residents of Lexington Heights. Dottie thinks if we’re going to do the stickers we should have an agreement with a towing company. Liz and Dottie will talk with Blue Water Beach to see what they do about their golf carts.

Renee will continue to do the Children’s parade for one more year. Dottie and John will help with the parade. They will be co-chairs. There were 23 carts and about 100 children in the parade. Renee thanked all the volunteers for their help. Kurt wanted to know if we could get the Cros Lex Marching Band for the parade.

Debbie said they used to have the VFW come and raise the flag on Memorial Day and play taps.

Bob, Dave C., and Reid are in charge of the Corn Roast.

Construction on the Zenith stairs will be starting on Monday. Parker will be setting up his equipment on Monday.

Worth Township controls the streetlights along Lakeview and on M25 (Lakeshore Road). We pay through our taxes for the lighting. There was a discussion of the pros and cons. Worth Township has the contract for the lighting. It’s on Worth Township’s agenda, but they skim over it at their meetings. They are planning to install LED lighting.

Bob is going to work on the trash contract. Bob is wondering if we can save some money by only having yard waste pick up twice a month. He’s going to investigate if this is a way to reduce costs.

There was a discussion of restoring the chimney stack on the fireplace. Renee said we need to check with our insurance company regarding having a working fireplace. Would it be wood burning or gas? Renee said the chimney was removed because of water leakage around the chimney. The chimney was removed when a new roof was put on the clubhouse about 10 years ago. Renee reminded everyone that the clubhouse needs some maintenance. Bob Alimpich feels very strongly that the chimney needs to be restored. Diana questioned how much it might cost. Bob is talking with Kurt Riese about this project.

There was a discussion about the cement area near the flagpole. It was brought up to hire a company to raise the sidewalk. Bob still feels he can cut the sod back to help with the drainage. Dottie suggested that we go ahead with the project. She’s happy to help.

VIII. Adjournment

Glady moved to adjourn. Dottie seconded. All in favor. Motion passed. (202334)

Community Events

Trustee Election July 22nd 11:00 - 3:00 PM

Euchre Night July 22nd 7:00 PM

General Meeting Aug. 26th 10:00 AM

Euchre Night Aug. 26th 7:00 PM

Corn Roast Aug. 19th 1:00 -4:00 PM

Chili Fest Oct. 7th 6:00 PM

Board Meetings

July 22nd 9:00 AM

Aug. 5th 9:00 AM

Aug. 26 10:00 AM (General)

Sept. 9th 9:00 AM

Sept. 23rd 9:00 AM

Volunteers needed:

Trim hedges at the clubhouse

Help replace broken posts along Lakeview

Help repair the men’s bathroom ceiling

Help level the low spot near the flagpole

Power wash Lakeview benches

Email us at Lexingtonheightsinc@gmail.com to volunteer.