Lexington Heights Inc.

Board Meeting

September 24, 2022

I. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by association President, Bob, at 9:03.

II. Trustees Present

Bob Alimpich, Liz Alimpich, Renee Jobbit, Diana Larsson, John Medovarsky, Don McColman, Lynn Secord, Glady Stablein, and Dottie Schulte

III. Reading of the September 10, 2022 Minutes

The Minutes were read silently by the Board. Dottie motioned to accept the Minutes. Diana seconded. All in Favor. Motion passed. (202242)

IV. Treasurer’s Report

The settlement check has been received from Ron Adkins. The $20,000 check has been deposited. Mr. Wilson will be paid when a bill is received minus the $5,000 retainer. Diana reported that about 445 envelopes have been returned for the dues increase. Dottie remarked that some husband and wives may have returned both ballots in one envelope. So the count may be actually higher. The envelopes have not been opened yet. The ballots will be counted on Sunday, October 2 at the clubhouse at 11:00 AM.

V. Member Topics

Sandy on Lakeview discussed the Worth Township lighting project. Worth Township is planning to change the light bulbs to LED lighting. Worth Township is still brainstorming. Worth Township is considering turning over the lighting to each subdivision. She also discussed changing the poles and burying the wires. If they bury the lines, it would be on the outside of the bluff (near the road). She will keep us appraised about this project. One quote she received was about $20,000. Trenching is the greatest expense. Probably, nothing will happen until April.

Diana questioned Sandy about how much money was raised on a hot dog sale. Sandy replied that they were not publicizing the amount. They are a small group looking to do some nice things for neighbors.

Ron from Grove expressed his concern about a tree. Bob said he will have someone come out to look at that tree. Ron also wanted to know about further clearing of Mill Creek. Bob responded that clearing Mill Creek will probably be a yearly event.

VI. Committee Reports

VII. New Business

Setting Calendar

The Board set the calendar for 2023. John will organize the Euchre nights for 2023. John suggested setting two days for bluff cutting. There will be three scheduled days to allow cutting on the bluff with Board supervision. These are the tentative dates: May 25 (9:00), June 25 (9:00), September 9 (11:00).

VIII. Unfinished Business

IX. Adjournment

Diana motioned to adjourn. Dottie seconded. Motion passed. (202244)

Upcoming Events

Chili Fest - Saturday, October 1 @ 6:00 PM.

Bring a pot of chili to share or a dessert. Fixings will be provided. Shredded cheese, crackers, sour cream will be provided at no cost.