Lexington Heights Inc.

Board of Trustees Meeting

September 25, 2021

I. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 9:04 by association president, Bob.

II. Trustees Present

Robert Alimpich, Liz Alimpich, Terry Gaw, Renee Jobbit, Diana Larsson, Don McColman, Dottie Schulte, Glady Stablein, and Lynn Secord (All present)

III. Reading of August 28, 2021 Minutes

The Board silently read the minutes. Glady motioned to accept the minutes as read. Liz seconded. Motion passed. (202132)

IV. Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer, Diana Larsson, gave an oral and written report of our current financial status. She presented a Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet, and Profit and Loss Overview. She also presented a Member Overdue List. The reports were accepted as presented. The Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss will be posted on the website by October 11, 2021.

V. Member Topics

Several members were in attendance to present issues.

VI. Committee Team Reports

VII. Unfinished Business

Mr. Garett, Sanilac Road Commission, has referred Terry to contact Mr. Hill regarding the placement of the Zenith steps. Terry will follow up with Mr. Hill. The quote from Parker for the installation of steps on Zenith is $22,000 - $25,000. Terry will continue to research where the steps should be placed.

Parker has removed all his equipment from our property on Grove. He has reseeded the area as per our agreement with him.

VIII. New/Ongoing Business

Diana shared a possible new website that Sandy Warner designed for the Association. She used WIX. The cost is $168/year. Currently, we pay $269/year for Penguin hosting. Our current contract is good through August 2022. Sandy used WIX because it was the easiest for her to use. Lynn will look at what she shared. There is a lot of work to redesigning the website and uploading all files on our current website.

The Board was presented with information on a webinar, Introduction to Successful Community Association Operation. This will be every Tuesday evening (10/5, 10/12, 10/19. 10/26) from 7:00 – 9:00 pm. The cost is $59.00. Bob will contact MLG and ask if this will be relevant to our Association which operates under the Summer Resort Act of 1929. The Board agreed that this would be worthwhile.

IX. Trustee Comments/Concerns –

Trustee, Stablein, wanted to make it known that she did not tell a member she could not get an absentee ballot. The member was not available to pick up an absentee ballot nor was going to be in town for the election. Stablein told her it was too late to mail one, but that she could vote by proxy. It was suggested to the member that she could write out her own proxy. The member did so and the ballot was counted.

Trustee, Stablein, also commented on the discussion at the General Meeting regarding the lack of a formal budget. While not opposed to the Board adopting a budget, she related that past Boards did not always have formal budgets.

Additionally, Stablein respectfully disagreed with the member who stated that proxies were used inappropriately, and that the use was for Trusts and LLCs. She stated that PA 137/1929 does not single out Trusts & LLCs to the exclusion of Members. The Act reads: Members may vote in person or by proxy filed with the secretary.

X. President’s Comments/Concerns –

The president, Bob, said it was a good meeting and thanked the Board and members for their input. He said the Board will move forward with the Zenith stairs and the boat ramp.

XI. Adjournment - Diana motioned to adjourn. Don seconded. Motion passed. (202133)