Lexington Heights Inc.

Board of Trustees Meeting

August 22, 2020

I. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM by Association President. (Glady)

II. Trustees Present

(All Present) Renee Jobbitt, Diana Larsson, Liz Alimpich, Steve Minnick, Don McColman, Lynn Secord, Glady Stablein, Mary Wade, Gery Victor.

III. Reading/Approval of August 8, 2020 MinutesThe Board members read the minutes.

Noted: Board approval of motion (202024) at special working session, to approve Matthews Excavation for repairs at bottom of Oak St. Incline, for $10,000. Liz moved to approve the expenditure – seconded by Diana.

After the reading of the minutes from 8/8.2020, Lynn motioned to approve the minutes as written – seconded by Renee, all approved - motion passed (202025).

IV. Member TopicsA large group of members were in attendance to present issues.

V. Reading of Treasurer's Report/Financials

The report was accepted as presented.

VI. Committee Team Reports - Each team provided a progress update. Below is a brief summary:

Each team will provide cost information to make needed repairs for funding priority, approval & allocation.

.VII. Unfinished Business

VIII. President’s Comments/Concerns

XI. Trustee Comments/Concerns

Diana motioned to adjourn the meeting – seconded by Liz – Motion passed (202026).

XII. Community Events for 2020:

XIII. Board Meetings for 2020 –