Lexington Heights Inc.

Board of Trustees Meeting

June 13, 2020

I. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM by Association President. (Glady)

II. Trustees Present

(All Present) Renee Jobbitt, Diana Larsson, Liz Alimpich, Mike Lackomar, Steve Minnick,

Lynn Secord, Glady Stablein, Mary Wade, Gery Victor.

III. Reading/Approval of September 14, 2019 MinutesThe Board members read the minutes.

Mike moved to approve the minutes - Liz seconded, all approved - motion carried (202002).

IV. Member Topics

Don McCollman – 6854 Lakeview

It was agreed that an account be set up at Lakeside Hardware to fund the materials required for the job (est. $100.00)

V. Reading of Treasurer's Report/Financials

A motion was brought forward by Mary to contact our legal counsel to begin the process to collect past due payments from delinquent property owners. These people will receive letters from our legal counsel and court action will be taken, as necessary. Motion was seconded by Mike - Motion carried (202003).

The Treasurer’s Report was accepted as presented.

VI. Clubhouse Report & Presidents Comments/Concerns

After reviewing all options, Mary motioned to have Alex Weiss do the sewer hookup for the clubhouse (for $3,900.00) - Mike seconded the motion – Motion passed (202004).

Liz Motioned to replace the damaged flags – Renee seconded – Motion passed (202005).

VII. Bluff/Parkway Maintenance

VIII. Unfinished BusinessQuotes for completion of the engineering plan provided by G2….

IX. New Business

Liz Motioned to keep Mike Hayden’s services this year and revisit our options during the off-season for 2021. – Diana seconded – Motion passed (202006).

Mike motioned to allow the tentative meeting minutes to be posted on the website before official Board approval. Liz seconded - Motion (202007) passed.

X. Annual Meeting/General MeetingNeed to clarify process for approving meeting minutes.

X. Annual Meeting/General Meeting (Continued) -

XI Members concerns from General Meeting of September 7th 2019

All items were discussed with the plan on continuing evaluation of options and enforcement.

Need to distribute rules for Renters through Lex-Hi Block Captains.

We still have to find a way to enforce or at least inform residents and visitors of the rules.

On hold until we have funding.

This idea is still in the works – would help identify residents.

These will be available soon.

XII. Community Events for 2020:

XIII. Board Meetings for 2020 – (all at 9:00 AM)

Renee motioned to adjourn the meeting – seconded by Mike – Motion passed (202008).

After some group discussion there was a motion by Liz to re-open the meeting for the purpose of discussing Parkway, Beach & Bluff issues – seconded by Glady – Motion passed (202009).

XIV. Additional Parkway, Beach & Bluff Issues – High-water cycle concerns and Parkway protocol.

Glady suggested that the Board send a letter listing residential requirements for maintaining the Lakeview parkway, bluff & beaches. Motion by Diana – Seconded by Liz Motion passed (202010).

Liz moved to adjourn the meeting – seconded by Mike – Motion passed (202011).


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