Lexington Heights Inc.

Board of Trustees Special Meeting on Bluff Trimming

September 23, 2018

I. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at12:31 PM. by Association President. (Glady)


II. Trustees Present

Mark Hayden

Renee Jobbitt

Mike Lackomar

Liz Alimpich

Steve Minnick

Glady Stablein

Mary Wade

Excused: Lynn Secord, Diana Larsson

III. Purpose:

To review portion of bluff trimming completed by Billy’s Tree Service and determine possible action to go forward with additional trimming per Billy’s proposal dated 7/14/18.


IV. Meeting Guidelines:

Glady explained that the guidelines for ad-hoc meetings such as this, must adhere to the Open Meeting Act.  We can only cover items specifically stated in the meeting announcement (agenda).


V. Meeting Discussion:

·         The group discussed the current proposal and the need to get on the work list for 2019 to avoid delay on the planned cutting.

·         We all agreed that the work completed thus far, looked good, and would be a reasonable model for the rest of the trimming to be done.

·         We discussed the cost to finish the work as proposed.  All agreed that due to lack of funding, only the areas most in need of trimming, would be considered at this time.

·         Further trimming would be discussed at future board meetings in 2019.

·         A motion was made by Steve to approve two sections (Oak, Nymph, and Maple for $3,850) and (Worth, Rosewood, and Pine for $5,275).


The motion was seconded by Mike. The vote was unanimous – Motion Passed. (201837)


Renee made a motion to adjourn – Seconded by Liz – Motion Carried (201838)