Lexington Heights Inc.

Board of Trustees Meeting

August 11, 2018

I. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM. by Association President. (Glady)


II. Trustees Present

Mark Hayden

Renee Jobbitt

Gene Komaromi

Steve Minnick

Lynn Secord

Glady Stablein

Mary Wade


Trustees Not Present

Jim Perna

Mike Ryan


III. Reading/Approval of July 21, 2018 Minutes (Gene Komaromi)

The minutes were accepted by the President, as presented – multiple seconds were made – motion passed (20820)


IV. Election of New Board Members (President, Treasurer, Secretary, Webmaster, Trustees)

Michael Lackomar, Liz Alimpich, and Diana Larsson, were sworn in by Gladys.

Gladys Stablein was nominated for office of President by Mary Wade – Gladys accepted.

Mary Wade was nominated for office of Treasurer by Diana Larsson – Mary accepted.

Steve Minnick was nominated for office of Secretary by Mary Wade – Steve accepted.

Michael Lakomar was nominated for the new position of Webmaster by Glady – Mike accepted.


V. Member Topics

No Members were present.

Glady made the following clarifications;

·         No member comments would be heard after the appointed time of 9:00 unless special circumstances and approved by the president.

·         This time will be temporarily extended to 9:30 until the Lex-Hi newsletter is corrected.


VI. Reading of Treasurer's Report/Financials

·         Treasurer, Mary Wade, gave an oral and written report of recent expenditures.

·         Mary reported there are 55 unpaid annual dues – accounts receivable $15,267.

·         Reports accepted as presented.



VII. Clubhouse Report

·         Mark will demonstrate the new door opening procedure at next meeting.

·         Garage Clean-up – there are many of the old style fluorescent lamps and fixtures available.

o   Lamp fixtures will be made available for members at the Corn Roast event.

o   Lynn will check with Restore to see if they will take the old lamps & light fixtures for recycling.

·         Mark will investigate using a brine solution to apply to the clubhouse area weeds in the Fall.


VIII. Bluff/Parkway Maintenance

·         There was no committee report on the Bluff.

·         Glady is still waiting for the engineering report – will follow-up to keep things moving forward.

·         Mark replaced some posts, but will hold off on the rest, until the sewer project is complete.

·         The “berm” idea was dropped as a solution to road flooding – instead, drainage tiles will be installed by the sewer construction company to divert the water run-off from the end of each street to the beach drains.

·         Juniper Blow-out update – it was found by the sewer construction process that 5 residential sump pumps were dumping water into a narrow area, possibly causing the blow-out. The homeowner’s drains were replaced and directed to Mill Creek.

·         Glady discussed the road grading with the sewer project engineer. He recommended that Lakeview should be the graded towards the drains on west side of the road. The Board will work with the County Road commission to establish the practice and to monitor the grading on Lakeview.

·         We reviewed Billy’s Tree Service quote for bluff trimming. Mike initiated a motion to get a competitive quote. Renee seconded the motion. Motion passed (201821). Mike, later, withdrew the motion, but Steve will initiate contact with Timberline and construct an RFP.

·         Steve moved for the board to approve one section of the Proposal from Billy’s Tree Service. Renee seconded the motion. The board agreed to view the bluff to determine which section to approve – motion unanimously approved to make the decision at the site as a group. After a brief tour the group decided to approve the Walbridge, Tulip, Satinwood, portion to be completed in September 2018. Motion passed (201822).

·         Worth Beach erosion – Parker Construction leveled and repaired the water damage and also backfilled sand along the weak side of the jetties in that area.

·         We received a request to dump residential construction fill dirt from (Moe & Carol’s new place) onto the bluff. The board agreed to allow it to be done in front of their home. Gladys put a stake at the agreed-upon area.

·         We received a quote for the safety rail to be placed on the north side of the Worth ramp. $2530. For 100 feet of railing. The board visited the ramp and will make our decision at the next meeting.


IX. New Business

·         The contract was signed with Parker Construction for the Rosewood staircase.

·         Steve constructed a new Invocation for the General Meetings. He read it to the group – there were no objections.

·         Secretarial duties have been changed to create Webmaster duties. The Secretary will provide Meeting Minutes and community Newsletter. The Webmaster will handle website development and on-line communications.

·         Secretary stipend will remain at $750.

·         Webmaster stipend will be $450. Glady made the motion – Passed with multiple seconds. (201823).

·         Calendar for 2019 will be set at the next Board Meeting.

·         We will continue to use the 2017 boat ramp keys for the balance of 2018.

·         Mary will remain the key-master for 2019 and Mark will work as back-up for Mary.

·         Steve will send out the new Board contact info to Gladys.


X. President’s Comment/Concerns

·         Boardsmanship -Gladys discussed the importance of working together as a unified Board – once the Board has agreed on any resolution – all need to publicly support it.

·         Corn Roast – All Board members need to help with the Corn Roast – shucking corn, setting up tables, serving food, etc. This is our biggest annual event.

·         Dues Increase - All Board members need to be able to communicate the benefits of being part of this community and the many important things funded by the dues.

o   Lynn will create a poster board listing what the dues are used to pay for – to be displayed at the Cornroast.

·         Cart Tour - We will schedule a golf cart review of the community to determine our next action items.

·         Meeting Microphone – consider using a wireless set-up to use for better General Meeting communications. In the meantime, questions from members will be re-stated by the President to ensure issues are heard.

·         Emterra Renewal – Gladys met with Emterra – she confirmed the commercial customers cannot be covered by the residential contract.

o   Emterra agreed to continue commercial trash pick-up for the remainder of this contract. After that, the commercial customers will have to find their own trash pick-up company. We encourage them to work together to find the best deal.

o   Glady will meet with Emterra for discussion of a possible extension of our current contract with them. She will bring back info for discussion or proposal to the Board.

o   It was suggested that we get additional bids on the residential trash pick-up.


XI. Priorities List for Next Board Discussion

·         Bluff Restoration

·         Beach Access

·         Meeting Microphone

·         Bathroom Update/Improvements

·         Sewer Hook-up



XII. Events                                                                  

·         Corn Roast - August 25                                   Board Meetings - September 1 & 15

·         Mystery Night – August 31                             General Meeting  - September 8th

·         Vote on Dues Increase – September 1

·         Chili Fest – September 29

·         Euchre Night – August 18


Lynn made a motion to adjourn – Seconded by Mark – Motion Carried (201824)