Lexington Heights Inc.
Board of Trustees Meeting
July 21, 2018

I. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM.  by  Gladys Stablein

II. Trustees Present

Mark Hayden
Renee Jobbitt
Gene Komaromi
Steve Minnick
Jim Perna
    Mike Ryan
Gladys Stablein               
Mary Wade

Trustees Excused

Lynn Secord

III. Reading/Approval of June 16, 2018 Minutes (Gene Komaromi)

Secretary Komaromi shared copies of the July 21, 2018 Minutes .
A  motion was made by Mark Hayden to approve the Minutes as distributed.
Multiple seconds were made to the motion
Motion carried.    (Motion 201817)

IV. Reading of Treasurer's Report/Questions

Treasurer, Mary Wade, gave an oral and written report on recent expenditures and dues collections.
Treasurer's  report received and filed.
We haven't hada final Accounting report

Treasurer's report accepted and filed.

V. Clubhouse Report

Double doors needed an adjustment which was completed.

VI. Guest Issues

No guest issues.

Bluff and  Parkway

Posts were repaired
The Bluff Committee has not met at this time.

Unfinished Business

Dues Increase election letter was mailed.
Mary Wade made a motion for dues increase election to be held on September 1, 2018.
Mark seconded the motion.
Motion carried  (Motion ID 201818)

The upkeep of the "Walk Down" was discussed. Parker will be contacted  for advice.
There are problems with the Boat Ramp Keys, it was generally decided to

Jim Perna made a motion for stairs at Roserwood in the spring of 2019
Mark Hayden seconded the motion
Motion carried  (Motion ID 201819)

New Business

The contracted stairs are completed. Parker added some rocks at  no additional cost.
Mark inspected and cut some Black Locust plant off a section of the beach.


Jim notified that Emterra will not pick up commercial trash , Jim contracted Emterra and they will pick up this Monday. Jim suggested dropping dues from the effected businesses.  A discussion followed. Gladys will investigate.
Mark inicated that fill soil is available from the Mandated Sewer Project. It was agreed that Mark would place some sand near the the new stairwells and other needed areas.
Gladys suggested that the board set up a list of action items tp prioritize. Board members will do before the next meetiog.
Gladys indicated that dogs on the beach is still a problem, suggesting new signs

Gene Komatomi made a motion to adjourn.
Mark seconded the motion.
Motion carried.