Lexington Heights Inc.
Board of Trustees Meeting
June 16, 2018

I. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM.  by  Gladys Stablein

II. Trustees Present

Mark Hayden
Renee Jobbitt
Gene Komaromi
Steve Minnick
Jim Perna
Lynn Secord                   
Mike Ryan
Gladys Stablein               
Mary Wade

Trustees Excused


III. Reading/Approval of May 19. 2018 Minutes (Gene Komaromi)

Secretary Komaromi shared the May 19, 2018 Minutes electronically. Minor changes were made.
A  motion was made by Mark Hayden to approve the Minutes as distributed.
Jim Perna seconded the motion
Motion carried.    (Motion 20185)

IV. Reading of Treasurer's Report/Questions

Treasurer, Mary Wade, gave an oral and written report on recent expenditures and dues collections.
A accounting firm has not yet been accepted to review the Lexington Heights Books.

V. Guest Issues

There were no Guest Issues

Bluff & Parkway Maintenance

There were several trees dumped on the bluff area. A member removed the logs to use as firewood.
There are some DTE materials that need to be removed. Gladys will call DTE.
There was a discussion regarding Mid-Michigan's lawn cutting along Lakeview. A Representative of Mid-Michigan will attend the Bluff Committee Meeting on June 29th at 6:30.PM
Lynn Secord mentioned a tree that needs trimming or removal.

Clubhouse Report

Julie Hayden will order 4 Fire extinguishers and submit a bill.

Reports from Board Chairs

Reports from Committees

Unfinished Business

A discussion was held regarding the donation of some lots to Lexington Heights. Questions were brought up regarding sewer fees etc. Lynn and Mark will investigate and report back.
Gene will add the Rules for Rentals to the next E-Newsletter.

New Business

The stair placement will be discussed with Parker at 9:00 AM on Sunday, June 17, 2018.
The addition of Stairs at Rosewood was discussed. It was generally decided the Rosewood Stairs would considered in 2019.


A discussion was held regarding Early Voting. It was gererally agreed that the Election Chir would impliment a system allowing members to vote early.

President's Announcements/Comments

Trustee Comments

A discussion was held regarding "Blighted Houses" in Lexington Heights. A list of blight issue houses will be made by Steve and Mark to present to Worth Township.

Board Topics

Lynn Secord presented a letter to the Membership regarding a dues increase which would be mailed to membership.  Lynn, Steve and Mary a select committee will write procedures for a Dues Increase Election.
Gladys indicated she discussed Golf Cart usage with a member on Grove.
Gene noted that 320 members who recieved E-Newsletters, 290 opened the E-Mail, with 20 forwardwarded.
A short discussion was held regarding Board Stiepends.
Lynn indicated that she was making a list of "What Dues Are Used For" ?
Gladys mentioned that a policy is needed regarding on the loan of the old tables in the garage.

Gene Komaromi made a motion to allow members in good standing to borrow tables and chairs from the garage
 at the descretion of the President or their designee.
Steve Minnick seconded the motion.
Motion carried.  (Motion ID 20186)


The next Board  Meeting is on June 30, 2018.

Gene Komarom Made a motion to adjourn.20187
Multiple seconds.
Motion Carried.    (Motion ID 201807