Lexington Heights Inc.
Board of Trustees Meeting
May 19, 2018

I. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM.  by  Gladys Stablein

II. Trustees Present

Mark Hayden
Renee Jobbitt
Gene Komaromi
Steve Minnick
Jim Perna
Lynn Secord                   
Mike Ryan
Gladys Stablein               
Mary Wade

Trustees Excused


III. Reading/Approval of September 23, 2017 Minutes (Gene Komaromi)

Secretary Komaromi read the September 23, 2018 Minutes .
A  motion was made by Jim Perna to approve the Minutes as distributed.
Renee Jobbitt seconded the motion.
Motion carried.    (Motion 201801)

IV. Reading of Treasurer's Report/Questions

Treasurer, Mary Wade gave an oral report on recent expenditures.

V. Guest Issues

There were no Guest Issues

VI. President's Announcements/Comments

President Stablein noted that the Board needs to discuss the assignment of a landscaping contractor in the future.

VII. Clubhouse Report

Mark Hyden noted that the garage door opener has been installed.

VIII. Bluff/Parkway Maintenance
The Committee has met and a report has not been shared. Gladys will contact Ann Vaara

VIII. Unfinished Business

Steve Minnick warned Board Members regarding possible unauthorized beach access.
Gene Komaromi will share copies of the original Jetty Building Project.
Gladys mentioned that the Juniper "Blow Out" still needs to be addressed.
Gladys requested that we make a mailing list for a possible dues increases. Mary Wade will address the idea and report back to the Board.
The Stairs for Juniper and Maple are ready and should be installed in approx. 6 weeks.
Gladys contacted Parker regarding the Boat Ramp installation.

IX. Reports from Board Chairs

X. Reports from Committees

Jim Perna made a motion to start the process of having a vote of the membership to increase the dues by $50.00 per housing  unit and $25 per undeveloped lots.
Renee seconded the motion.

A discussion followed.
Motion carried (201802)

XII New Business

Mary Wade suggested a "Safety" presentation on Shooter - Shelter In Place . Mary will investigate
Gladys, Renee and Mary will supervise the Chili Fest.
Julie Hayden submitted an invoice for cleaning services. totaling ten hours.

Gene made a motion to pay Julie $250 cleaning services
Steve Minnick seconded the motion
Motion carried. (Motion ID 201803)

We need the fire extinguishers checked, Mark will get a price.

Various topics were discussed:
Jim Perna said a  property owner wants to donate a couple of lots
Lynn Secord will make a letter regarding a possible dues increase.
Lynn Secord noted a tree at Tulip and Lakeview needs some attention. Steve will contact Billy's regarding trimming the tree.
Mark Hayden indicated that Phragmites need to be sprayed again the fall.
Steve Minnick suggested some attention needs to be given to beach clean up.  Lynn will organize a Breach Clean Up on June 16 ,2018.

XII Adjournment
Gene Komaromi made a motion to adjourn.
There were multiple seconds.
Motion carried. (Motion ID 201804)